H&M is launching a new white quilted bag worthy of a luxury brand!

H&M is launching a new white quilted bag worthy of a luxury brand!

For several years now, it has been easy to find fake designer bags. However, the finest connoisseurs manage to find the difference between the replica and the original. And there's H&M, which is launching its bag reminiscent of a creation from a major fashion house.

Style at a lower cost

Admittedly, we are still far from a creation by Celine, Christian Dior, or Loulou by Yves Saint Laurent. However, when you see what the clothing brand has imagined, you will probably think about buying it.

Since H&M has hit it big with their new shoulder bag that could be in any luxury window display. Regarding its design, know that you will be able to get an idea of ​​the product in question a little further down.

Indeed, we “offer” you a snapshot of the object in question in the following lines. So that you get an idea for yourself of the creation of the Swedish firm. It might make you want to buy it. Who knows.

But before embarking on this purchase, perhaps you want to know what it is made of, its price, or even if it is resistant. So many questions that you ask yourself and to which we will try to answer you.

Our colleagues from El Nacional providing the majority of the answers to these questions. First, know that the H&M bag has a zipper. This further protects the items inside.

In addition to that, if you can see it in white color in the photo just below, another color is available. Indeed, you can also find it in black. This allows you to choose the color that best suits your style.

A “luxury” bag at H&M

We now come to its resistance. Because yes, we promised to address the subject and we are finally getting there. According to the media, the bag is made of polyester. On top of that, it would have a polyurethane coating.

What good can that be for you will tell us? Quite simply to have greater flexibility and resistance. H&M has thought of everything and even included a lining to make it even more resistant. But can you put anything you want in there?

Perhaps by knowing its dimensions you will know a little more. The product from H&M measures 10cm wide x 17cm high x 24cm long. Normally, it comes in just the right size to fit anything you want.

Especially since it would weigh only 321 grams. A weight that could change if you fill it with anything and everything. But finally comes the most important. The point that probably made you click on this article.

Indeed, perhaps you've already fallen in love with this H&M bag… And you're just waiting to find out if you can afford it. Well know that if you have €19.99 in your wallet, you can.

Since this is the price of the bag.