Collective awareness obliges: many sustainable brands are flourishing in the world as in France. On the occasion of the end-of-year celebrations, it's time to test these young labels who dream of a more responsible fashion. We will pick from MaisonCléo - a brand managed by Cléo and Marie, respectively mother and daughter, in Calais - a wild silk blouse made by hand and in France. For a more masculine line, the brand of upcycled uniforms Salut beauté offers graphic and original pieces that will reinvent your party looks. For accessories, the essential Amélie Pichard creates resolutely original bags and shoes from recycled leather.
Why always buy new parts? Sometimes the solution is in our closets. Accessorize a black jumpsuit with an accumulation of jewels, transform a long dress into a short version or a top at the couturier, customize our bag with a colored silk scarf: there are many solutions to update your wardrobe and you should not hesitate to recycle to wear new items!
Buying a dress for a party and never putting it back? Never again. To solve the evening dress puzzle, a solution: rental sites. More advantageous financially and beneficial for the environment, these platforms make it possible to wear a unique outfit that will certainly not hang around for years in our dressing room. For evenings, consult Une Robe Un Soir; the Dresswing site offers rentals between individuals; Finally, for those who don't want to stop, fashion items can be loaned from the box at Le Closet.
Ending up with the same jumpsuit as our cousin on New Year's Eve? An almost impossible scenario when buying vintage. For the holidays, it's an opportunity to find the second-hand piece of our dreams. For ten years now, the online platform Vestiaire Collective has offered a second life to luxury bags, accessories and clothing. With its authenticity service, there is no chance of finding counterfeits. A secure way to afford a beautiful Chanel quilted or an Yves Saint Laurent suit safely and at an affordable price. We also think of, as well as the various events organized within its city or its region, in particular those of Violette Sauvage or influencers who regularly empty their dressing room. Finally, there are many vintage shops for those who like to have the piece in their hands before buying.
Read also » Vide-dressing room, how to participate?
With the advent of Vinted, which certainly allows you to buy and sell but also to exchange fashion pieces, sharing has become the watchword. To a stranger, a friend or grandma: the solution is sometimes found in the closet of the other. A skirt worn years ago, pumps lost in a box because they were just bought for an evening or an extravagant jewel to shine: for a unique occasion, antiquing in the wardrobes of our loved ones will perhaps bring the detail that will make the difference. .