Google knows many things about the questions that we ask ourselves about everything and nothing, from news to the recipes of the moment, but also on our fashion or accessories desires.A jewelry brand asked the search engine which was the most sought after model on the web.In your opinion ?
This season, the chokers jump to the neck, the rings accumulate on our pretty hands and the bracelets take our wrists without ever leaving them.But one question remains: what is the favorite jewel of women around the world, the most sought after on the web?To put an end to this mystery, Karus Chains, an online brand of British jewelry, conducted the survey of Google.25 million requests and 22,000 keywords later, the results are categorical.The famous Love Bracelet from Cartier sits on first place in the podium with nearly 353,840 research per month (yes, per month, etc.). L’indétrônable bague de mariage Tiffany & Co se glisse, elle, à la deuxième place avec 85 630 recherches mensuelles, suivie de près par le « Heart Necklace » de la même maison.
On the brand side, the Pandora claw won all the bets with its infinite charms combinations (2,850,000 searches per month). Tiffany & Co, Swarovski et Cartier trônent respectivement à la deuxième, troisième et quatrième place du classement.Proof that marriage still makes the most romantic hearts beat, the wedding ring remains the most desired jewelry by women on the internet.Each month, nearly 14,434,640 people are looking for the ideal ring.It's a sign…