"It's a real pride": craftsman Joaillier crop in Auxerre, Vincent Marinesse will represent the Yonne at the Regional Art Crafts Prize

"It's a real pride": craftsman Joaillier crop in Auxerre, Vincent Marinesse will represent the Yonne at the Regional Art Crafts Prize

Pour cette édition consacrée aux créations contemporaines, l'auto-entrepreneur a présenté """"un pendentif figurant un livre en or jaune et argent et aux pages amovibles"""". Une œuvre remplissant """"tous les critères d’innovation et de difficultés techniques"""" propres au concours """"et qui en plus me ressemble"""", défend Vincent Marinesse qui a tout conçu """"de A à Z"""", sans aucune assistance.

New art galleries have opened or will open in Auxerre, others have closed their doors

""""This 25 mm format jewelry by 15 mm was born From the request of a customer who wanted to give a gift to his partner passionate about reading.""""Besides the obvious symbolism, the art craftsman also loved the idea that this person could"""" engrave things and thus focus on her the story of his life """".

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""""I appreciate the transmission side in this profession""""

Nearly 90 hours of work will thus have been necessary to carry out this unique work but ultimately quite representative of the philosophy of this exceptional art craftsman, passed through schools in Haute Joaillerie in Lyon and Paris.""""I really appreciate the transmission side in this profession, says Vincent Marinesse.When you come to see me, we talk about family and life stories.That's what I want to transmit in my jewelry.""""

A precision work begins for the art craftsman recently haloed by the departmental prize for crafts.

This artistic approach earned him today to be recognized by his peers at the departmental level and will lead him to represent the Yonne in the regional competition organized at the beginning of next year by the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Burgundy-Franche-Comté and the Regional Council.He will present the same piece there but already reflects on his scenography.

""""Give meaning to my jewelry""""

""""C’est une vraie fierté"""", avoue le joaillier, qui est habitué à réaliser """"du sur-mesure"""" pour répondre à la demande de ses clients. Et même quand il imagine des petites lignes de bijoux, il aime """"créer un concept qui soit un support à la personnalisation"""".Like its tie rings or pliers...

Crafts represent nearly 20.000 active in Yonne

Autrement dit, son métier est marqué par une """"créativité"""" sans borne et l’envie irrépressible de """"donner du sens"""" à ses bijoux.It is only up to customers to take advantage of it... Mais vite : """"Il me faut en moyenne deux mois pour concevoir un bijou.""""

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Arnaud Charrier Arnaud.charrier@centreFrance.com