Municipal credit: when "my aunt" saves the situation

Municipal credit: when "my aunt" saves the situation

« Quand je vois arriver pour estimation l’alliance, la bague de fiançailles et les médailles de baptême des enfants, c’est toute une vie déposée là, au comptoir. Un pincement au cœur à chaque fois.»» Le temps n’a pas émoussé la capacité d’émerveillement d’Agnès Bieder face aux trésors qui passent entre ses mains, et encore moins son empathie quand elle devine les difficultés qui conduisent un client à « gager»» ses bijoux les plus sentimentaux. La commissaire-priseur exerce depuis plus de vingt ans au Crédit municipal de Paris (CMP), 55, rue des Francs-Bourgeois. Toujours habitée par la passion du métier. Dans un environnement plein de mystères, avec son vocabulaire propre et ses codes particuliers, elle a la volonté de rendre service.Crédit Municipal : quand Crédit Municipal : quand

The public financial institution created in 1637 by Théophraste Renaudot, according to the Italian mountains, was to counter the exorbitant power of the usurers, who then lead to the most disadvantaged ruin with assassin credit rates.Almost four centuries later, the principle remains unchanged: lending everyone, against the deposit of an object of value - nine times out of ten jewel - a sum of money, immediately available.Between the control of identity documents, the expertise and the passage to the counter to recover his money, he flows about two hours.Essential to know: we remain the owner of what we "pledge".The range of transactions is wide: From 30 euros for a B'twin bike in Decathlon up to several thousand, even 5 million euros, maximum ready, when it comes to masterpieces, canvasesof master, jewels, historical objects, archaeological pieces ... In these rare cases, we do not come out with bags of tickets.We must go through sharp expertise and a credit committee must rule.No question of bleaching stolen works or counterfeits, like this false monet detected in time.

"We bet everything that has value, except what is demoded, for example electronics.We now accept luxury leather goods, something unthinkable twenty years ago.You have to stick at the time.But our economic model is always based on gold.This is here that I saw my first Lingot!»Frédéric Mauget, managing director of the CMP since 2016, receives us under the paneling of the Council hall.On the wall, a great portrait of the prince of Joinville, son of Louis-Philippe, attends all meetings.The Paris Municipal Credit owes its nickname "Chez Ma Aunt" to this tinkering aristocrat and compulsive player.He would have served the excuse for an oversight in his aunt Adelaide to hide having waged his gold watch in Mont-de-Piété.Frédéric Mauget, senior official who passed through the offices of Delanoë and Hidalgo at the town hall of Paris, has stars in his eyes when he talks about his taking up: "I fell in love with" my aunt ".I feel tenderness for this institution.I liked this mixture of modernity and history.I could say like Samaritaine: "something is happening there"!»»

Difficult indeed to be bored at the head of this credit institution with a social vocation, oriented towards solidarity finance and cultural patronage.In this set of buildings of the marsh pierced with five interior courses, occupying a vast perimeter between rue des Francs-Bourgeois and rue des Blancs-Manteaux, the activities are multiple, the animation is permanent: ready on a guarantee (its reasonto be), auction room (to sell non -claimed objects) and, more recently, budget support for over -indebtedness, microcredit and even conservation of works of art for collectors and gallery owners.And of course the storage, in secure stores and strong rooms, of more than 1,350,000 "pledged" objects.To move around this labyrinth of various styles and epoch buildings, the procedures applied are identical to those of a bank: controlled access badges and a bodyguard that escorts us without ever leaving our eyes.

70 to 80 % of customers are disappointed by the estimate

At the heart of the Historic Beautiful Paris, six days a week, an incessant back and forth animates 55.The carrier door and its security agent filter From 9 am to 5 pm the regulars, the big mouths, the timid, the hesitant, the contrities, feverishly tightening their bag against them.People often go by two, arms over, arms below, to support themselves, encourage themselves.Bourgeois, prolos, students, all social classes and nationalities mingle in the main courtyard.And all the feelings are expressed: stress, relief, hope, disillusionment ... crossing the threshold, everyone is convinced to hold a treasure and some leave Gros-Jean as before, having only their eyes to cry.The ring was TOC, the Rolex watch, a copy ... On the old cobblestones are played in the open air of psychodramas, heavy with silence, of sighs.From 70 to 80 % of customers are disappointed by the estimate, based on objective criteria: the course of precious metals, recent auctions.The sentimental value is not listed on the stock market ... Agnès Bieder thus sums up the mission: "We are here to help out, of course, but we engage our responsibility.We are permanently torn between these two injunctions: to help the best without taking financial risks."Because, if the object is not claimed and that he does not find auction, the company of auctioneers must reimburse the municipal credit for the amount of the loan granted.

Crédit Municipal : quand

We come here as a last resort, thanks to word of mouth, to cover a debt, a compulsive purchase, discreetly, without his spouse, the tax, his bank.Often because the guarantee loan is part of its original culture.The Sri Lankais constitute 10 % of the customers, the Malians and the North AFricans are also numerous.In these countries, the gold advents offered in dowry represent for women a way to emancipate themselves: to pass your driver's license, resume his Freedom.Up to 3,000 euros, the amount can be paid into cash.Pass before our eyes in a few minutes a spectacular set of Asian gold jewelry, a fur coat, a silver tray, a lot of bottles of Burgundy wine.If we no longer accept mattresses or cars, musical instruments, voodoo statues and even a marshal stick From Empire arrived recently sleeping in the reserves whose inventory would make any museum pale.The whole history of art, since Antiquity, has been represented, duly classified, guarded by battalions of cameras and security agents.Customers come out, they, after a year or less, were able to "identify", repay loan and interest, recover the object entrusted.As for 90 % of contracts.

On the wall of the loan of the loan on a pledge, as in Social Security, the call numbers parade on a screen.Martine, retired chic, is about to have a ring, a necklace, earrings.She is serene."I haven't come for forty years!But there, between the taxes and the charges of my apartment, I have a hole in my cash flow.A few minutes later, after going to the counter, Martine returns, all smiles."I didn't expect so much."Assessors, experts and auctioneers work with withdrawal, without visual contact with the public, to guarantee the objectivity of the evaluation.They estimated Martine's jewelry "without history, without index" in a few minutes.Weighed, verified stones and punch with magnifying glass, tested the metal with their acids.50 to 60 % of their value in market places (and not the purchase value) will be loaned to it.She leaves with nearly 2,000 euros and a one -year contract.What to face.

Customer managers receive live people live

For Mehdi, 24, it's another pair of sleeves.He is a delivery man for Uber Eats and his scooter fell in harbor.He is on the street, does not have the means to make him help and no more income."I need 450 euros.I have jewelry of my mother so I hit "ready on a pledge" on the internet and I came across the municipal credit.Do you think it's serious?»Cornered, feverish, he seeks to reassure himself.But when the verdict falls, it's the cold shower."The chain is not gold, and women's watches, they do not take them if it is a man who deposits.With the bracelet, I have 260 euros, I am happy anyway.»Make bad fortune good figure, he spins.He is diabetic, he forgot his insulin.It's not his day.Behind their glass counters, with a view of the room, the "customer managers" receive the lives of people live, in the heart.The hundred agents working on all floors collects anecdotes, attempted scams, dazzling.All of this feeds homemade legend.But at the counter, a strategic point, it's not theater!You have to be ready for anything, and especially the unexpected.Not a day looks like another.

Counterfeiting is hunted

Anildo, for twenty-six years in his post, quickly liked the job.First guardian of the place at night, he had no idea what was going on there the day."When I changed function for family reasons, I fell in the naked.This is another universe, but especially not "the miserable".Rather a troubleshooting tool, which avoids the bank and its deadlines.We are not here to judge people, who come From 93 as From Neuilly.»By dint of seeing 30 to 50 people scrolling daily, Anildo has developed an acuity of" profile ".In a few seconds, he understands if it is the first time "by gestures", takes the time to explain that it is just a separation, that the object still belongs to them, knows how to detect distress - "in these cases-The, they are very discreet, do not discuss ” -, benchmark those who make cavalry, bet on the delayed flows of their blue cards."You have to love the human being and the relational.We are facing people who have their heads underwater.They sometimes play their last card.We then prevent our hierarchy in order to direct them to the budget support service, to help them get out of over -indebtedness."He also detects the receivers" who do not look at you in Front and are too detached From the goods.In this case, we “get your foot”, we ask for bills, we make objects ”.Number one enemy for leather goods and especially watches, counterfeiting is "hunted".Agnès Bieder reassures: “We use an expert watchmaker here, Daniel Louise, who does a great job.»»

Anildo is dissert, he has incredible stories full of memories.Like that of this young girl who came to deposit bracelet and ears pendants inherited From her grandmother in order to pay her rent and who will finally leave with."The assessors have assembled jewelry, all gold and diamonds, a small fortune.We took her apart, she was trembling, panicked: "But I was going into a box with!And how am I going to leave?I can't take the metro.”»» Ou cette autre cliente, tombée de haut.Wanting to bet a ring set with a big diamond, gift of a pretender, she discovers that it is knock."I told her that the ring was worth nothing, I saw her break down.»» Comme ses collègues, il accueille surtout des femmes – elles détiennent les bijoux – et constate une évolution des catégories sociales : plus de parents isolés, de cadres sup’, de classes moyennes.

The big bourgeoisie and the nobility have often used the leaks on a guarantee, in all discretion

No one is safe From a glitch, a reverse of fortune.As evidenced by the registers of secret commitments, preserved in the Paris archives, the big bourgeoisie and the nobility have often used the loan on a pledge, in all discretion.Favorites, antique dealers, penniless aristocrats could save face and their reputation, incognito, by negotiating with the director in person. De nos jours, le service « expertise»» reçoit les dépôts d’objets de grande valeur et aussi des gens célèbres.It works by appointment, in complete confidentiality, with a dedicated entry.Véronique, one of the two customers of customers, dreamed of an archaeologist.She is filled."I had Egyptian antiques in my hands, I touched very beautiful things that we see in museums.»» Les clients se présentent avec leurs petits et grands magots bien protégés, un tableau dans des serviettes éponge, un meuble Art déco, de précieux bijoux dans leurs écrins."We never tire of the beautiful.And knowing that we can relieve people is rewarding.They unload part of their concerns with us.»»

At the end of the one -year loan contract, renewable, when the owners do not meet reminders by mail, the objects pass in the sales room. Et justement, Agnès Bieder prépare la traditionnelle « Hermès-Chanel-Vuitton»». L’une des 80 ventes annuelles, dont certaines assez prestigieuses pour être « cataloguées»».In addition to the lots of gold and common jewelry, themes animate the calendar: wines and spirits, exceptional jewelry, watches, art objects, musical instruments and now fashion accessories scratched."For the first time, we agreed to lend against a pair of shoes, Chanel who was not claimed.It's a test.»» La salle la plus confortable de Paris attire les amateurs, les pros.You can do good deals, especially since the costs applied are very competitive: 14.50 % in addition to the auction, instead of 25 to 30 % in Drouot and elsewhere.

Read.Need a credit?The assets of the pledged loan

Pour les chaussures Chanel peut-être, comme pour certains lots, quelques propriétaires toucheront le « boni»».Because, once the loan is covered, the interests and the various costs withdrawn, the excess generated by the sale returns to them.And for some, it's a bit like winning the lottery.Recently, a Caesar compression pendant was sold 20,000 euros when the loan granted to its deposit amounted to 2,190 euros.Net profit for the happy owner: 12,500 euros!A platinum and diamond ring has done better: the bonus cleared by the auctions reached 42,800 euros.Another beautiful story, that of an unconted spectacular ring, paved with citrines and yellow sapphires, told by Agnès Bieder."She was pledged against a loan of 750 euros, then an expertise revealed her origin: Suzanne Belperron, French designer very in vogue, whose Wallis Simpson collected jewelry.Its value could reach 40,000 euros.»» Ma tante, ça peut être mon oncle d’Amé

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