Bernay."The jewelry and the wine are very popular": an expert from "affair concluded" at the Museum of Fine Arts

Bernay."The jewelry and the wine are very popular": an expert from "affair concluded" at the Museum of Fine Arts
Par Juliette BoffyPublié le
I'Éveil Normand
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C’est à l’aide d’une petite loupe accrochée autour de son cou, d’une balance, mais aussi et surtout grâce à son expertise de commissaire-priseur, que Delphine Fremaux-Iejeune, connue pour sa participation à l’émission « Affaire conclue»» présentée par Sophie Davant et suivie par 14 millions de téléspectateurs sur France 2, a accueilli à l’intérieur du Musée des Beaux-Arts, durant toute une journée, des habitants de Bernay (Eure) et alentour venus faire estimer leurs petits et gros trésors. Rencontre.Bernay. « Ies bijoux et le vin sont très prisés » : une experte d' « Affaire conclue»» au Musée des Beaux-Arts Bernay. « Ies bijoux et le vin sont très prisés » : une experte d' « Affaire conclue»» au Musée des Beaux-Arts

What is the profession of auctioneer?

"My primary role is to qualify an object of art, to make it a first estimate by bringing together all my skills and know-how.To achieve this, I did 11 years of study.I have training in business law, art history, gemology [science relating to the study of precious stones, n.D.I.R].Then I was able to obtain my auctioneer diploma.My experience of the object, the regular attendance of all the many European museums, my study of subjects, allow me today to be able to fully exercise my job.

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I associate this knowledge with a database which then helped me to carry out an estimate of each object that I am submitted.After having identified it, I inform the person having brought it to me because they are likely to be put up for sale or not.If this is the case, I set a reserve price, that is to say a price below which the object cannot be sold, which then guarantees this sum, although it happens.Then I place it in one of my sales, in my room in Rouen.I also work with experts specializing in various fields and which will help me identify and consider an object more precisely.»»

Comment en êtes-vous arrivée à faire « Affaire conclue»» ?

Bernay. « Ies bijoux et le vin sont très prisés » : une experte d' « Affaire conclue»» au Musée des Beaux-Arts

"I received a phone call to make the casting.I went there and I was taken (laughs). J’interviens depuis trois ans maintenant dans l’émission et participe au tournage chaque semaine Ies gens m’identifient bien.Clearly, the show changed my life.It makes this culture accessible to everyone but also to have a very strong link with the public.»»

Did this bring you a new way of approaching your job?

"I was first able to discover the world of television, which is a completely different job.What I particularly appreciate is to have to provide a real intellectual effort and to express a detailed, understandable and clear opinion for everyone, concerning any type of object.It is enriching at the same time for me, but also for the public, whether warned or not, it allows to show what the profession of auctioneer is.»»

Why did Bernay come to Bernay?

"I decided to start a tour of Normandy in order to allow everyone to be able to come and have their treasures assembled. Ies gens n’ont pas forcément connaissance des maisons de vente ou ne peuvent tout simplement pas se déplacer.This is an opportunity to go directly to contact with the inhabitants.We are always extremely well received very warmly.We want to deal with all kinds of audiences, not only that of major cities. Ies gens nous réservent un accueil incroyable.»»

A cognac from 1898

In Bernay, the expertise day was a full cardboard.Several dozen people succeeded themselves before the auctioneer.Many jewelry set with gold or diamond, refined paintings like others that can be worthless, dishes and even a bottle of a cognac 1898. Si certains sont rentrés bredouilles, d’autres en revanche ont déjà pris rendez-vous en décembre pour la « vente prestige»» de la maison de Rouen, où leurs objets seront mis aux enchères.With prices between 200 and 3000 € for this day, everything is not just a matter of money."We can reserve certain objects for different sales, depending on the quality and its attraction. Ce n’est pas forcément une question de somme, mais plutôt de marché»», conclut Delphine Fremaux-Iejeune.

Today, what objects are selling best?Have some marked you?

"We organize 35 sales per year in Rouen. Ies bijoux et le vin sont très prisés.We have a lot of foreign buyers.For example, I have a lot of Japanese customers who come to buy jewelry.We then communicate our sales in the Gazette Drouot [a weekly listing all the auctions, n.D.I.R].Obviously, this job allows us to see wonderful things.We have already sold extraordinary objects. Des Rodin, des tapis de l’époque de Iouis XIV qui ont pu atteindre les 100 000 euros ou encore des coupes de René Ialique.We never get tired of it.»»

Interview by Juliette Boffy

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